Southern Ceramic Group Membership Survey

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Welcome to our first ever online survey of members and their interests.  We have a new, refreshed, committee in place, and we are looking for your thoughts about what you find most valuable about our community, and how you might like us to develop, things that we might do, etc.
We very much welcome your responses to this survey.  We very much hope that you will all engage and contribute.  The more people that respond, the better will be our understanding and insights into what you would like as a group.  We are keen to be inclusive - if this on-line form does not work for you, for whatever reason, then please contact us and we can arrange for you to receive it in another format for ease of completion.
How would you describe yourself?
What is your age range?
How long have you been a member of Southern Ceramic Group?
How did you first find out about Southern Ceramic Group?