Online Talk – 5th January 2021, 7pm – 8.30pm
Jo Amey
“A History of Tiles from Mediaeval Days to the Present (with examples from the SCG area)”
Jo’s talk will cover the history of tiles and their making from Mediaeval times to the present, with many examples taken from the SCG area. As well as showing photos of tiles in situ, she will be showing tiles from her collection.
Jo Amey studied ceramics at Bournemouth and Poole College of Art under the tuition of David Ballantyne and Peter Stoodley. For her final year’s thesis she researched architectural ceramics on buildings in the locality many of which were made locally by Carter and Co of Poole. Over the past decade she has resumed her research with the emphasis on recording tiles and other ceramics in situ. As ‘The Tile Lady’ she gives illustrated talks and guided walks on the topic to local groups. She can be found on Facebook as ‘The Tile Lady UK’ and has a Flickr stream ‘Tile Lady’ devoted to images of Carter and Co tiles.