Online Talk – 1st December 2020, 7pm – 8.30pm
Wendy Gers
“Curating Ceramics – Advancing the Field?”
Dr Wendy Gers’ talk is titled ‘Curating Ceramics – Advancing the Field?’. In it she will be talking about her practice as a curator of ceramics exhibitions and as a coach to up and coming ceramicists targeting the arts, or artists working with ceramics, whichever way round you think it should be! It should be an interesting view of a world similar to Sebastian Blackie’s from November’s tal, but seen from the other side of the fence,
Award-winning activist-scholar, curator, & consultant Dr Wendy Gers is specialised in modern and contemporary ceramics as well as curatorial theory. She has curated major exhibitions on 3 continents – Africa, Europe & Asia, including Biennales in China and Taiwan. Her curatorial leadership was celebrated by the City Press’s inclusion of Gers in its list of 100 ‘World-Class South Africans’ (2014). In 2020 she founded Ceramics Coach, and offers professional coaching and artistic mentoring, to ensure artists have the know-how to make original & innovative work & gain international recognition. Gers has authored numerous catalogues, book chapters and scholarly articles, including the acclaimed monograph on Southern African Potteries, Scorched Earth (395 pages, Jacana Media, 2016). She has delivered over 60 public lectures in 26 countries, taught internationally, and was Academic Director of the post-graduate research laboratory, La Céramique Comme Experience (CCE) at ENSA Limoges (2015-2018). Gers is the recipient of a PhD from the University of Sunderland; MA in History of Art (cum laude); Advanced University Diploma in Information Studies and BA from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. She is a member of the NCECA Green Task Force, the Board of Directors of The Studio Potter (USA), and a Council Member of the International Academy of Ceramics.